INTUITIVE MESSAGE: Have You Been Suffering From Lower Back Pain for Years?
Hi, my name is Elise, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive, and I’m wondering if this intuitive message is for you?
This message is for a woman who has been suffering from lower back pain for many years.
This symptom is stuck and you’re thinking: “Well, I’m just gonna live like that for the rest of my life”. But what if there was another way?
Hi, my name is Elise, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive, and I’m wondering if this message is for you. This message is for a woman who has been suffering from lower back pain for many years, like I want to say like two decades, a very long time. And clearly this symptom is stuck, right? The logical mind has given up, or your consciousness is like, well, just gonna live like that for the rest of my life.
And this is where intuition is most powerful. So, logic and intuition are not enemies, they actually are complementary systems. Your logical mind, your consciousness, will take you as far as it can, and then when it gets stuck, that’s when you take your intuition out of your back pocket to see if there’s more, if there’s more that you can figure out by diving into subconscious information, which is really what intuition is.
It just has a bigger pool of information than what your consciousness can figure out. There’s a bunch of stuff that happened to you a long time ago that is stored in your physical body, which is what I’m reading. I’m, I call that your hard drive. And that information is not conscious though. It’s not conscious for you.
It’s not conscious for me either. But when I use my intuition to receive an intuitive message, I do get access to it. My intuition dives in to that subconscious information and it’s like, it’s like it plugs my Ethernet cable in there, it connects to that Wi Fi and then I can have access to that information.
It is something unusual that I do. It’s a, it’s a gift. I just woke up like that one day when I was pregnant with my son, but. It’s useful, because if you have been feeling stuck with that lower back pain for many years, you’ve probably given up. So the intuitive message I have for you today is that physical symptoms are often very literal.
The body and the mind are connected, and so is the soul, so these three entities are related to one another. They exchange information unbeknownst to you, but they exchange information. And this pain in your lower back is a message, it’s, it’s really a communication that goes from your subconscious mind to your body and your body is, is manifesting or expressing that symptom through this pain.
And the message is that you’re carrying a burden on your back, you’re carrying a burden. And specifically, this burden is not yours. Which is, which is really hard on the physical body, because we already have our own burdens to carry, right? We have childhood trauma, we have events that happened to us and made us not want to trust people.
All kinds of things that happened to us. Now we have to carry that burden. However, Carrying somebody else’s burden, oh, that, that’s, we’re not built for that. That’s extra weight that’s definitely going to weigh down the boat and then we’re going to start taking in some water. And, have physical pain to communicate that to us, right?
At any given time, the body, mind, and soul trifecta is trying to optimize their state of being. , life is always trying to do that, always. If you’re in a rough patch, your, your body, mind and soul are trying to bring you to a better feeling place always. So this burden that you’re carrying on your lower back is somebody else’s burden, but you’re carrying it with you, which usually indicates that it’s a family member.
I don’t see which family member could be a parent, could be a child, could be a spouse. We don’t usually do that for friends though. Not for this long. 20 years is a long time. At least 20 years, it could be longer, but it, my sense is just a very long time. So the reason, these things come to me in images, right?
So what I see is one of those calculators, that you punch the numbers and then the little paper rolls out of it. Most of the young kids will not have seen this before, but, but And so what I see is a calculator that has a really long roll. It keeps rolling out, keeps rolling out because it keeps adding more to this burden, adding more years.
So that’s why I think it’s been a very long time. So it’s not precise of course but it’s, it’s, it gives a sense of length of time. So, so yeah, so a family member and the crux of the issue, why are you carrying that person’s burden is because you feel guilty. You feel responsible for something that happened to them.
You feel responsible, and I’m going to be honest with you, so I don’t read third parties. So I can’t see what happened to that person or the circumstances. But when I look at your energy, I don’t see that you were actually like, you murdered somebody. Like, you were personally responsible for something.
I feel that there’s something you feel guilty for, you feel responsible for, but I don’t necessarily see that you are. Thank you. It was something that happened, things happen, things, bad things happen to good people, and this was one of those, and it was not your fault, but as a way to make amends, because you do feel responsible, you’re carrying this person’s burden with you.
Which creates a lot of pain for you. And here’s like the fundamental intuitive message is that it does not help them. It’s painful for you and it doesn’t help them. There’s nothing that you can do to change their life experience. You don’t have power there. And I guess that’s a double edged sword, right?
So there’s nothing that you can do to, to, to, to make somebody happy. And in a way there’s nothing that you can do to make them unhappy. If they decide that they’re going to be happy in their lives and you make them unhappy, they’re just going to leave. So it goes both ways, but it’s, it means that it, it limits your power.
You can influence others, of course, but it limits your power. At the end of the day, we each decide, if we’re going to be happy or unhappy. You don’t get to decide that for somebody else. So when you carry this burden for that person, it doesn’t help them at all. It does not alleviate their pain in this life experience.
That’s their journey. That’s their journey. And if you were to let down this burden, if you were to stop carrying that, if you were to forgive yourself, not in anybody else’s eyes, just your own, if you were to forgive yourself, And to say to your lower back, thank you for letting me know about this. I didn’t realize I was doing this, or if I did realize, I just felt I had to keep doing it.
And now I see that it’s not helping them and it’s painful for me. And that a better way that I could help them is if I let go of this burden, if I, the big suitcases that I’m carrying on my back or the big backpack I have there, I can just take it off. Put it on the ground and then keep walking. Feel lighter and start to feel my body heal.
Now it would take some time because there is actual physical damage on your body from this, but it will heal. It will heal. It can. It can. Once the thing that triggers the pain goes away, you’ll feel an improvement. And over time you’ll be able to heal that area. And as you do that, you’ll feel lighter. And as you feel lighter, you’ll feel more emotionally available to be supportive to this person whenever they’re in pain.
Instead of bleeding with them, you’ll now be able to walk with them. They’re on their journey, and you’re on yours, but you can walk with them and say, Hey, I’m right here. I, I see you. I see you. And I’m right here walking with you. I’m not carrying your pain, I’m not taking it away, but I’m right here with you.
It’s kind of like holding somebody while they cry? Doesn’t fix the problem, but it helps them feel better about it. And when you feel better, and they feel better, they will feel more empowered to solve whatever struggle they’re having in their lives. And so you become contagious. A beautiful, beautiful, positive contagion,
where your lightness can help influence them, which is the extent of our power, can help influence them to also feel lighter. And this is such a more productive way to help them.
All right, that’s all I’m getting for you today. I hope this was helpful. And if you don’t want to miss any of those intuitive messages, join me on my intuitive community for logical women, where I share just practical intuition for everyday life at See you there!
All right, that’s all I’m getting for you today. I hope this was helpful.
I always post these messages on My intuitive community for Logical women and I would love to see you there.
Talk to you soon!
PS: Want to be able to give yourself an intuitive reading? Check out my Intuition Coaching program Intuit OnDemand.