Intuitive Message 32: Can’t get Promoted in Your Corporate Career?
Hi, my name is Elise Lebeau, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive, and I have received an anonymous intuitive insight, and I’m wondering if this message is for you?
Today’s message is for a woman who is stuck in her career. I feel like you’ve been stuck for a while, but you have tiptoed around the problem by having a lot of lateral movement in your career. You switched department, maybe. I feel you, you work in corporate America.
And you’ve been in this field for a while. But you’re not at the top of your arc. So there’s more growth possible in your field, but you’ve been plateauing for a while, and I’m not even sure if you would call it that. I think that you have been making do with what you have, which is, you know, which is great because you’re trying to stay positive that where you are right now, it’s okay, it’s good.
You have a good job. You like where you are. The problem is that you’re denying the call.
The call for growth. And really, this comes from your soul, you know. The part of you that is not limited by your human experience. And that greater part of you is calling for more. Because it knows you can do more. And more importantly, it knows you want more. It’s a good fit for you to be promoted. To be going upward.
Into an expanded perspective. This feels like you would have more responsibility, but you would also have more power. Decisional power, which is really important. You make really good decisions. You might not always be able to, to brag about them, but, but you’re really good at making decisions. They’re balanced.
Your decisions are balanced. So you’re not reckless, but you’re not a perfectionist. You’re balanced. So why is that? Why are you stuck in this status quo?
So the first part of this intuitive message is that denying who you are and dimming your light for the sake of others is always going to leave you stunted in your growth. It’s always going let you feel a little bit dissatisfied with life. I don’t feel that you’re there yet But you know a lot of times you’ll end up depressed if you try to deny who you really are to change Who you really are to fit some box.
Now, I realize you work in corporate America and there is a box. I Worked in corporate America for 20 years, so I feel you sister. I know what this is like. However There’s a difference between being in the box and working your way out. And being in the box and having given up, having decided that the box is better than to actually fulfill your potential.
And this is the decision I think you made without realizing it. It’s unconsciously because you’re comfortable and you think, well, I should be grateful for what I have, which is true. However, the discomfort that you feel is going to get more and more. Intense. So, I’m telling you this today and I’m hoping you’re listening to this and maybe you’re thinking, oh, I don’t, I don’t think that’s for me and it might come back to haunt you later.
Or maybe it was for me. And that’s okay. These intuitive messages tend to be well timed. They tend to be delivered through me just exactly when they are needed. So, it’s not the same thing if you’ve given up than if it is actually a good fit for you where you are. Now, you know that this is not a good fit.
You know that you want to grow, you know that you want to be promoted, and you’ve tried a few times and it didn’t work. And this is the second part of the intuitive message. The reason it didn’t work is not because what you wanted was wrong. It’s because you were looking for it in the wrong place and you misinterpreted that.
Sometimes I hear people say: Oh, I wonder if that’s a sign. And this is so tricky. I’m so scared when people say that because there are things that will happen in our lives that are random. There are things that we’ve lined up with because we’re paying a lot of attention to them. And then there’s the category of that’s a little mushier of fate or is this a sign? Should I stop doing this?
And my attitude is always, it’s not a sign, it’s a question. Do you still want this? You just got turned down for a promotion, they promoted somebody else and you’re super disappointed. And you’re thinking, is this a sign that I should not try again? And I would like you to think of this as:
Do you still want this? Do you still want this, even though this one didn’t work. It’s a question that the universe is asking. It’s not a sign that the universe is telling you what to do. You decide what you do with your life. The universe is there to back you up. But it needs input from you.
It needs to know where you want to go. And one of the things that we can do is we can lose track of where we want to go.
And you know when we realize that? It’s 30 years later when it’s way too late to do it.
So right now you’re still in, in your job, you’re still at the top of your game and you are in a great position to be promoted and not just a low promotion.
I’m talking about a quantum leap promotion, something that’s really Oh, exciting. And you, oh, I can even feel it as I’m saying the words and I’m reading your energy. Your energy is like, yes, please challenge me. I can do so much more.
And this has been dimmed down. You turn down the stove, so that this won’t boil too much. To keep the peace at work. To keep your nice job. Your nice salary. To not have too many risks. And this is not you. This is not you. I don’t know what made you this way, I don’t see it. But I think you will know. I think there’s life experiences that led you to think, Oh, maybe I shouldn’t rock the boat too much.
Again, I hear you. I was a female engineer. So, rocking the boat was tricky. But it’s not who you are. It’s not who you are. And it’s not like you’ve forgotten this. As soon as you hear these words, it will resonate with you and instantly you’ll know. It’s true. It’s not who I am. So I’m not saying things that you don’t know.
I am reminding you of things you already know, which is why they resonate with you.
That’s the whole point of intuition. So intuition is not about creating new things. Intuition is accessing things that are already there, but they’re not conscious. They’ve been pushed down to the subconscious. That’s what that is.
Intuition is a data bank, really, and it’s information that is stored in your subconscious and information that is stored in the cloud, so to speak, in the circumstances around you. Now, I’m really good at accessing that intuition, obviously, because I can read your energy store, your hard drive, so to speak easily, but so can you.
And that sense of resonance when we hear something and we go: yes! What it’s telling us is that information is already there inside of us, and we’re just being reminded. So, this intuitive message is to remind you that there’s never any benefit to you dimming your light for the sake of someone else.
And maybe someone else said: Oh, you shouldn’t rock the boat, you know. Or someone else said: Oh, you should be grateful for what you have. Or someone else said something about religion, like you might be getting greedy, or they said something that, That twisted, twisted your purpose, which, which you know is to, it’s calling for more and for growth.
And they made it sound like this was greedy or ambitious or something negative. And it’s not. Just like every plant wants to grow, right? A plant is turning towards the sun to make food. We don’t call that ambitious, we just call that life. We have a different narrative for humans, especially for women, and we don’t want that narrative to get in the way.
So you are like a plant, and you’re turning towards food, towards your sun, and that is calling for more.
So, I don’t even need to make suggestions on how you can address this, because you just needed to be clear on what the problem is, and I think from there you will make very good decisions on how you can aim for what you actually want. And this, I want to be really clear. It’s not a small promotion.
It is a quantum leap. It is a huge promotion. It is a huge step either to a different company, to a role that’s much bigger than you’re at now, or in, even in this company maybe it’s a different department. I don’t see you just making a tiny move and a small promotion. You’re, you’re not playing small anymore.
You’re going to the big leagues. The major leagues. And that is what’s calling you. It’s calling you, answer the call.
Did you know that if you’re a listener to this podcast, you can actually ask me for an intuitive reading about an area of your life where you feel stuck, stuck, stuck. So intuition is great when we feel stuck, it means that our logical mind has taken us as far as it can. And now we have to look somewhere else for a great intuitive insight, a great aha moment, a new idea, fresh content.
So this is where intuition shines. So, if you’re interested in that and you would like me to give you an intuitive reading on the podcast, it’s completely anonymous. I don’t need your name. I don’t need your date of birth. I don’t need your email. I just need 📍 to know where are you stuck?
You can go to my website at and fill out that form.
I’ll talk to you soon.