Intuition Podcast [95] Why Do You Feel Impatient? Intuitive Case Study + New Technique
Hi, my name is Elise Lebeau, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive.
And your intuition is calling! Let’s see what it has to say.
So today, we’re doing a case study. I’m going to show you how I give a professional intuitive reading for a member of the audience who feels stuck.
If you have a situation like that and would like to get a free, anonymous intuitive reading, you can go to my website at and just tell me where you’re stuck.
I don’t need to know anything else about you. I don’t need your name or your email. I just need to know where you’re stuck.
You might be selected to be a case study on this podcast.
After I’ve shown you how I proceed with this intuitive reading, if anything about this reading resonates with you, I’m going to give you a technique that you can use right now to get clearer intuition in your life and find your next step.
Intuition and the Connection Between Pain and Trust
This person is feeling stuck because of a physical symptom in their right shoulder, described as the “death grip from Star Trek”—a very painful, sharp pain, like someone is grabbing their shoulder right at the neck.
It has been going on for quite some time. Let’s see if we can find some clarity about this symptom.
The first thing I always look at is whether it’s a functional symptom—meaning, is the symptom still there because it’s serving a purpose? If so, we need to figure out what that purpose is, and that’s the problem we need to solve.
How can we fulfill this purpose without the physical pain?
I always start with that question, and in this case, it is a functional symptom.
Now, I’m going to move on to a cold reading, where I ask: What do they most need to hear about this?
This question is vague—it’s a very big question. But it’s specific to this symptom.
We are sorting through a lot of information here because a lot of information is stored in the physical body, but we’re trying to get the big picture.
If we take a step back from the symptom—before diving in and getting very specific—let’s look at the 10,000-foot view of what’s happening.
What do they most need to hear about this?
What’s the most important thing going on?
Although the symptom is very painful physically, this problem is not about pain.
This problem is about trust.
Impatience, because it has been going on for a long time.
And we get impatient.
I don’t know if it’s been months or years that you’ve had this pain in that location, but you’ve tried so many things, and I feel for you.
This has been really tough.
The reason it has been tough is the pain, yes—but the most difficult part is the issue with trust.
How Intuition Uses Emotions as a Guide
Impatience is an interesting emotion because it usually speaks to a lack of trust.
It actually has nothing to do with time.
Isn’t that funny?
Our emotions are a way for our intuition to guide us in the direction of what we want.
I call this the intuitive compass.
At any given time, any emotion you have is guiding you by saying:
- Yes, go in this direction
- No, that’s not the way
If you’re thinking, saying, or doing something that’s not in alignment with who you are and what you want, you’ll feel bad.
You’ll feel angry or frustrated.
If you are going in the right direction, you’ll feel better.
I’m not saying you’ll feel amazing, but you will feel relief.
For example, if you were depressed, and today you feel frustrated, that’s better.
Frustration is better than depression, which is paralyzing.
That’s how the intuitive compass is always guiding us.
But impatience is a confusing emotion for many of us because we think it’s about time.
So, when we feel impatient, we try to go faster.
And in 20 years of giving intuitive readings, hurrying up has never been the answer.
I have never said to someone, “You need to hurry up.”
It’s always about something else.
In this case, it’s about trust.
The Root Cause of the Shoulder Pain: Doubt vs. Trust
When we look at a situation that has been going on for a long time, and we’re not sure if it will get better, we start to doubt.
We don’t trust that it will improve.
We become extremely impatient to reach the finish line because once we cross it, we will know for sure.
We will know if it worked or not.
But at least we’ll know.
This is why we feel so impatient.
We crave certainty.
Now, let’s say I told you:
“I have a million dollars for you, but it will be frozen in your bank account for 30 days.”
We both go to the bank, the teller confirms the money is there, and you just have to wait 30 days.
You might feel a little impatient to get your hands on it, but you know it’s coming.
Now, let’s say I tell you:
“In 30 days, you may or may not get a million dollars.”
Suddenly, doesn’t that feel much more stressful? It’s the same 30-day wait, but one feels exciting, and the other feels anxious.
This is what’s happening in your body. The thought “What if this never heals?” is dominant. So when I look at your energy, what I see is doubt.
The impatience is not about time.
It’s about trust.
Trusting that things can get better, even when they haven’t for a long time.The problem we’re having is that the dominant thought is doubt, not trust. That thought is what keeps reconfirming the pain.
And the solution is not time—the solution is trusting that things can still get better.
A Simple Intuition Technique to Strengthen Trust
If anything in this reading resonates with you, here’s an intuition-based technique to help shift you from doubt to trust.
- Think of five times in your life when things got better.
- A headache that went away.
- A sprained ankle that healed.
- A difficult time in your life that passed.
- Every time you remember a moment of healing, you are connecting to a moment of certainty.
- Your body stores certainty, just as it stores doubt.
- We are shifting your focus away from doubt and toward certainty.
- Repetition will rewire your brain.
- The more you think about healing, the more your brain will default to certainty.
- You will start feeling relief immediately.
This technique trains your brain to look for certainty instead of doubt—which will naturally bring more healing.
Upcoming Intuition Bootcamp: Financial Freedom
If you want to get more intuition in your life, I have a really fun Intuition Bootcamp every month.
The next one is focused on financial freedom.
We will use intuition to explore:
- Why you feel stuck with money
- How to align with financial freedom
- What your next step should be
This isn’t about financial advice.
It’s about using intuition to find the real problem and get unstuck.
You can sign up at
I hope this was helpful, and I’ll talk to you soon!