How To Stack The Odds In Your Favor?
Does your intuition look like luck or even MAGIC? Let’s take a deep-dive into what intuition can actually do to stack the odds in your favor.
Hi, my name is Elise, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive, and welcome to the Left Brain Intuition Podcast where we talk about logic and intuition. So today I wanna talk about the Broken Compass. Do you have a broken compass? Such an important question. And here’s what I mean by that. As women, we are often socialized to suppress certain, a certain range of emotions.
Maybe you were told, oh, if you’re a very angry person, men are not gonna like you. You won’t find a boyfriend or a husband or maybe it was more subtle than that, and you were socialized to be quiet, to not voice your opinion too much. Maybe you grew up in an abusive household where getting angry was dangerous.
You could get hurt physically, whatever the reason. A gro, a broken compass is when there’s a certain range of emotions which are unacceptable to you. And by that I don’t mean that you’re in a meeting and somebody makes you angry and you would want to explode at them and be raging at them, but rather that even in the privacy of your own mind when nobody’s there and nobody can get hurt,
you find anger unacceptable and so you suppress it. I’m not angry. Even though if I was looking at your energy, I could tell that you are cuz that’s one of the things that I can see when I’m doing an intuitive reading. And so this Broken Compass is problematic because your intuition likes to use emotion to communicate with you because it avoids the problem of collision.
So your logical mind likes to use language to communicate through thoughts with you. It, it uses, you know, your consciousness and so the stream of thoughts that’s going on in your head, that’s your Logical Mind. So the Intuitive Mind, if it tried to speak to you with a thought, it would get completely lost in this stream.
you would not even notice because they look the same. A thought from your intuition and a thought from your Logical Mind looks exactly the same in your. And so intuition in it, in its infinite wisdom prefers to talk to you through another means, and emotion is the number one way that it likes to do that.
So if you’ve ever had an emotion, you are intuitive, and this is the way the compass works. An emotion that feels better is telling you that you’re going the right way towards what you want. An emotion that feels worse is telling you that you’re going away from what you want. Now, the fundamental desire of pretty much every human being I know is to be happier in our lives.
Just like the plant is always trying to turn towards the sun , cuz that that’s how it gets food. We are always trying to turn towards happiness. So if you have no other goal, let that be your goal for the rest of your life and you’ll be in really good shape because your intuition is spontaneously gonna try to align you with that goal of feeling better and being happier in your life.
Now, in order to do that, it’s using the emotional compass and it’s trying to point you towards, you know where you wanna go. And if you say “this entire quadrant of emotion cannot be used. It’s unavailable. I will put my finger there and the needle can’t go. Then your intuition is really having a hard time guiding you.
It’s broken.
Now, it doesn’t matter if your compass has been broken for six months because you’ve been stressed about the recession or if it’s been broken for 30 years, because from a very early age you learn to suppress emotions. It doesn’t matter how long. right now today, you can actually fix your compass, and you can fix your compass by paying attention to how you feel.
You don’t have to tell anybody, you don’t have to express anger. You can do it when you’re alone. You can do it by, by writing it down in a letter that you’re never gonna send, that you will destroy. It doesn’t matter. It does not need to be shared. It’s a private thing to you, but to be allowed to have that emotion, it’s kind of like your intuition is a little kid that’s coming in with a envelope and saying, I have information for you.
Do you want it? And you’re saying, no thanks. And the little kid turns around with their envelope unopened. So in order to fix a broken, broken compass, you need to accept the delivery and to receive the feeling. Now, the feeling itself, if you’re angry, what does that mean? What does that mean when you’re feeling angry, right?
Because it’s not obvious. That’s not an intuitive insight per se. That’s an intuitive hint. , your intuition is saying, you know, there’s a big X here. Start digging cuz there’s treasure down here.
And that feeling is trying to tell you that there’s something that you’re doing, that you’re saying, or that you’re thinking that is not going towards what you want. It’s not. So let’s say that you’re walking down the street and somebody’s coming on the other side and they have ice cream, they have a scoop of vanilla and scoop of chocolate, which is your favorite combination of all times.
And you look at that and you go, oh my gosh, I love ice cream and, and I know where they came from, and here’s the store. I’m gonna go get some ice cream for myself. And that feels really good. Now what if the person comes out with their ice cream and you look at them and you think, Ugh, they have ice cream.
I hate them. So, jealousy. Jealousy. So jealousy is often, considered petty, right? And so we try not to be jealous of other people, cuz that’s not, that’s not nice. However, jealousy is triggered by the false belief that somebody has something that we cannot have. It’s all that it. It’s, it’s a construct.
That’s what a false belief is. It’s a thought that that, that is living in your mind. It’s wired in your mind. It’s a construct that has gotten there by all kinds of reasons. Maybe you grew up with parents who told you, we don’t buy ice cream with our money. We pair our bills, and so until you’ve paid off your mortgage, there’s no ice cream for you.
Although they probably didn’t, didn’t say it literally like that. It was oftentimes the subtext that, you know, we do these things first with our money, and if there’s anything left over, then we get ice cream. And so that construct means that you can’t get ice cream. And so you’ll feel jealous. But the emotion itself of jealousy is your intuition coming in and saying, this construct is false.
It is false, that you cannot right now get ice cream. you do have money somewhere that you can use to get ice cream if you want it. It is false that you cannot have what this person has. That’s what the jealous feelings means in the emotional compass. It’s saying if you want ice cream, you have to go in this direction, and I will make you feel really uncomfortable, really jealous until you ask me:
why am I feeling so jealous? What is the construct? What am I doing, saying or thinking that is going the wrong way? And as soon as you ask the question to your intuition and you get an answer, you get a moment of clarity. Your logical mind will say, oh, I know how to fix that. We do have money . I mean, we were supposed to use that money to, I don’t know, do something more reasonable, like getting the oil changed on the car, but maybe that can wait a few weeks and then we can go buy ice cream.
to feel happier. So information like that is so useful, . And as soon as you can fix your broken compass, you can start receiving the message that the little kid with the envelope is trying to deliver to you. This intuitive information about what you are, you know, doing, thinking, or saying that is not going towards what you want ,towards being happier in.
Now the thing is though, that sometimes we are scared to receive the letter because we think that the letter will say, you have to quit your job. You have to divorce your husband. You have to shave your head and become a nun and move to Tibet. You have to meditate three hours a day. Those are all things that we’re afraid our intuition is gonna say, and that is never the case.
That is never the case because the purpose of intuition is to guide you towards what you want, and that will always feel better. That will always feel good, even if what you’re feeling is relief that feels better than being depressed. And that’s what intuition provides. It provides a better feeling place, which then using the compass tells you you’re going in the right direction.
So every day your job is to check your compass and say, which way am I going right now? I’m going the wrong way. Okay, stop. Let’s stop. Let’s check. What can I do right now to go towards what I want? what construct can I upgrade? You know, because those are just thoughts. Those are just thoughts that landed there for completely random reason.
A a lot of times, you know, they’re not true. Don’t believe everything you think and upgrade. Upgrade your thoughts. And when your Logical Mind says, we don’t have money for ice cream. And you can ask yourself, is that really true? Isn’t that true for me? Does that make me feel good? And if it makes you feel bad, then you know it’s going the wrong way.
There’s something wrong with that thought, and then you can start working on it to fix it. Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t that an amazing tool that you can use every day to keep going more and more -and I call that alignment -to keep going more and more towards your want. So alignment is the third step in the intuitive algorithm.
So the first step is to be able to Access your intuition. So to actually not have a broken compass and to be able to retrieve and decipher your intuitive insight. The second step is to Activate meaning when you’re stuck and lost and confuse, can you trigger your intuition on demand to make it give you something because you really need it right now.
And then the third step is Alignment. Can you prioritize your intuitive insight so that the stuff that you get is relevant to you. First of all, it’s not about other people, cuz that doesn’t concern us. This is relevant to you and it’s relevant to your goal to where you wanna go. So if you want financial freedom, intuition is gonna, when you are aligned, we’ll give you information that is relevant to that goal and will make you get there faster.
And then the fourth step is to Accelerate by making a small, intuitive decision that you can trust. So this concept of the compass is really interesting for alignment. Now, if we’re afraid of what’s gonna come out of that little envelope we might be reluctant to go dig with the Big X, you know, oh, there’s anger here.
I’m not sure if I wanna go dig into that. And I call that, you know, I call that the monster in the closet. Because you’re, you’re laying down at night, you know, trying to fall asleep, and then there’s a scratchy noise in the closet, and your Logical Mind will say, oh my God, there’s a serial killer in the closet, and the noise that you’re hearing is the, the ax that the serial killer is going to use to kill you, and it’s scraping against the door,
That’s what the Logical Mind’s gonna say because it’s trying to protect you and it wants you nice and activated so that you can run away. Now if you get up and open the door, a kitten’s gonna run out of there because the cat got stuck in the closet and he was trying to scratch to get out. There was nothing scary there, but the fear that we might hear. You have to quit your job. You have to divorce your husband, you have to shave your head and move to Tibet will prevent us from digging where the X is. And so we ignore the feeling so we don’t have to find the information that we think we’re afraid of but there’s nothing in there that is scary because the purpose of intuition is guide you towards what you want.
That will always feel good. It’s the definition of how intuition works. the compass points you in the right direction by giving you a good feeling, something that feels better than where you were before. So if you were depressed and you become angry, that’s better. There’s a relief in that because before you were in a paralyzing emotion of depression and now you’re in an activating emotion of anger and you’re more likely to get out of bed.
That’s good. Now, are you done here no. Can you do more to feel better? Yes. But is it a better feeling place? Absolutely. And so when you open the door and you’re expecting to find a serial killer there, and you, and you find a cat ,the fear goes away. Because what is revealed is that your intuition will always give you stuff that feels better than where you were.
But you have to be willing to open the door. You have to be willing to pay attention to the feeling to ask and ask your intuition, why, why am I feeling this way?
All right, that’s all I’m getting for you today. As always, I would love for you to leave me a review on the podcast that you just listened to. I would love to know what resonated with you, what resonated with you, what moment of clarity did you have today listening to this episode, and I will talk to you soon.