Ep 63 What You Most Need To Hear About Your Sister
Hi, my name is Elise Lebeau. I’m the Left Brain Intuitive. And today, I want to ask an intuitive question on your behalf. And the question I want to ask is, what do you most need to hear to get along with your sister?
So you’ve been stuck a little bit, well, not a little bit, you’ve been stuck for a while in this relationship with your sister. I feel that You have a relationship with her that involves some kind of logistics. So maybe you have a business with her, or maybe you’re both taking care of a parent together.
So, there’s coordination. You have to interact with each other. So the solution to improving this situation with your sister, it can’t be, well, I’m just not going to talk to her.
That’s not going to work because of that, that logistics aspect.
And that’s where you’ve been stuck, I think, because logically you think, well, the only way this is going to get solved is when this is all over and I don’t have to talk to her.
And this is bound to make you feel really bad because it means you have to wait a really long time. Or suffer some really difficult consequences, you know. So, this has been a stuck place. Because your logical mind can’t see a way out of here.
So, let’s see what intuition has to say. And, and my intuitive message for you today is that there’s always another way.
Always another way.
But it’s not gonna be visible, logically. This way is not going to pop up all of a sudden from your logical mind. It will come from your intuition. And in this case, it’s not just one thing. So what I’m going to describe to you is a process more than like a solution.
So you’re intuitive, which is why I think I’m asking this question on your behalf today, I, I pick somebody from my audience usually, or a group of people.
So the process that I want to suggest is that every interaction with your sister that is unpleasant, comes from a place of wanting to go back to the relationship you had when you were little.
And not the whole relationship, because I feel even when you were little you guys had your conflicts. At least in your energy it looks that way. But there were moments where you felt really close to your sister. And they were really meaningful moments for you. You remember them, even though they were not as frequent as the one when you had big arguments with your sister,
but those were meaningful moments for you. And a lot of the frustration that you’re having right now comes from the place where you want to have a meaningful, close relationship with your sister. And it’s not available right now. And this is why you’re stuck. So, you and your sister have kind of grown in your own life, and you have gone in different directions,
and the fact that you have to still take care of those logistics things that is between you, is constantly reminding you that you would like to be close again with her. And it’s disappointing. Every interaction where your sister and yourself disagree on something, you want to do things differently, is disappointing.
Not just because of the logistics, but for a much deeper soul, deep reason, which is that you are still seeking that closeness with her that you had when you were little. And that’s not available right now. And as long as this is your destination, you are going to be disappointed. Now, I don’t know if you were aware of this.
I don’t read minds, by the way. I only read energy, which is basically a big journal that is kept on your body, in your physical body, your hard drive, as I call it. So I don’t know if you realize this consciously, maybe you did. But this desire of being close to her emotionally is what’s tripping you up.
And you have a choice about that. You have a choice about that. You’re not stuck here. You want this. You can’t have this. And there’s two things here. The first one is you can’t have this right now, but I don’t see that this is permanent. The other thing is you can’t have this from her, but you can have it from other people.
So these are two ways that you can move forward without of bumping your nose over and over again. It’s like you’re a, I’m seeing a fly, you know, that’s bumping against a window over and over again. You don’t have to do that. So here’s the process that I would, that I would suggest to get unstuck here.
Whenever you have an interaction with your sister, I would like you to think of this as a business meeting. That’s all it is. It’s a business meeting with your with your bank and you are discussing numbers. That’s all. You don’t have history with this person. You know, the, the loan officer, you don’t have history with them.
And if you get the loan, if you don’t get the loan, that’s fine. Either way, there’s other banks you can apply to. It’s really just a business meeting.
And the emotional component doesn’t need to show up to this meeting. So when you’re talking with your sister and you can remind yourself of this by either writing it on a post it or telling yourself this before you pick up the call or before you answer the text is, okay, this is a business meeting.
Let’s solve the problem. That’s it. It’s a logistics problem. Let’s solve the problem. You’re going to feel relief right away if you approach your interaction with her this way, because you’re not going to be disappointed that you didn’t get that emotional closeness that you were wanting because you were not looking for that.
So you’re not disappointed.
And after you’ve done your business meeting, then you need to fulfill the need, still, it has to be fulfilled. Otherwise, you’re going to go back to wanting this. The mind is very smart. It’s very smart. It does have a need. It has a need for emotional closeness with somebody in your family, or it can be even a close friend, but it has a need for that.
And we need this need answered, but we need it answered by somebody who’s available. And your sister, she’s just not available for that right now. She’s having her own thing going on in her life. Okay. So you need to find this in your life somewhere else. So maybe you have a friend with whom you have a really good emotional connection.
Why don’t you call her after you talk to your sister? Not to complain, not to talk about your sister, but to connect with that person.
That’s it. You can just ask her how her day went, or it doesn’t have to be meaningful conversation necessarily, it’s just to have that emotional connection. And have that need fulfilled. Always fulfill the need.
But you don’t have to fulfill it with her. You can fulfill it with somebody who’s actually available.
And what those two things seem separate, right? They seem disconnected. So when you talk to your sister, you have a business meeting, that’s your intention, solve the problem.
And then you go and fulfill your emotional need, which is to have an emotional connection with someone.
Those seem different, but together they constitute the problem that you’re trying to solve for yourself. You want these two things and you think they’re incompatible. And it’s true. They’re incompatible if you try to get them from your sister, but you can get them independently.
So this is the process that I would suggest for you to not be stuck anymore. Isn’t that cool?
And there’s something even cooler is that this is my suggestion, honestly. So the thing that I’m really good at is finding the problem. And I can see that the problem is that you think you have incompatible needs.
And I suggested something that I think might work for you. But honestly, if you tweak it to work exactly the way you want it, now that you know what the problem is, your logical mind is going to be able to figure out a way to make this work. So try this, but feel free to modify it, you know, to fit who you really are,
so that it’s a soul deep solution. And the reason I’m saying that is because I know that you’re intuitive and you’re going to find a little bit of adjustments that you can do along the way, which are coming from your intuition, which is always going to be better than mine because I’m a third party. I don’t live in your life, but you do.
All right. That’s all I’m getting for you today. I hope this was helpful and I’ll talk to you soon.
And by the way, if you don’t want to miss those messages and you find them useful in your life, even if sometimes they’re about somebody else, sometimes the message applies to you as well. I’d love to have you on our intuitive community for logical women at leftbrainintuition.com.
Talk to you soon!