Building Trust and Certainty with Your Intuition
Let’s dive into the topic of impatience and its three underlying reasons.
Impatience is often misunderstood and considered a problem, but in reality, it serves as a symptom that can lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our desires.
Let’s dive into the three key reasons behind impatience and how we can build trust, certainty, and ultimately achieve victory on in our intuitive journey.
Reason 1: Wanting To Trust:
Impatience arises when we desire to experience trust. We yearn to believe in our goals, in the process we are following, and most importantly, in ourselves.
However, trust cannot be fast-forwarded to the finish line. Trust is built one step at a time, akin to constructing a staircase.
By taking small actions based on intuitive insights, we gradually build trust in our intuition and in the path we are pursuing.
Whether it’s a career change, a new relationship, or improved health, trusting in our intuition and taking those small, intuitive decisions can bring us closer to our desires.
Reason 2: Seeking Certainty
Another reason impatience arises is our longing for certainty.
We want to be sure that we are on the right path, that our decisions are leading us in the right direction. The truth is, certainty can only be experienced in hindsight, after reaching the finish line.
By continuously asking ourselves why things are happening and what our next step should be, we gain clarity.
Clarity, in turn, provides a sense of certainty in each decision we make, propelling us closer to our goals.
Reason 3: I Will Be Happy When…
Impatience often stems from our desire to escape our current circumstances and reach the finish line.
We believe that achieving our goals will solve all our problems and bring us the happiness we seek.
However, this mindset overlooks the need for internal growth and software upgrades within ourselves. Reaching the finish line without addressing these underlying issues carries them into the next leg of our journey.
It is essential to understand that the journey is an opportunity for personal growth and that true victory lies in upgrading our mental software.
The Importance of Collecting our WINS Along the Way
Throughout our intuitive journey, collecting small wins along the way is crucial for motivation and fulfillment.
WINS come in various forms, such as moments of clarity, intuitive insights, and taking actions aligned with our intuition.
Each win reinforces our trust in ourselves and the intuitive process, reminding us that we are making progress towards our goals.
Celebrating these wins helps us appreciate the journey rather than fixating solely on the finish line. Enjoying the process ensures that we maximize our growth and find joy along the way.
Building trust, seeking clarity, and embracing wins along the way are essential steps in our journey towards victory.
By upgrading our mental software, stepping into certainty, and trusting our intuition, we can experience joy, fulfillment, and success along every step of the path.
Remember, our intuition is a valuable tool designed to guide us towards growth and what we truly desire.
Your intuition is calling 🔔
Don’t let it go to voicemail…