[90] Why Do You Hesitate? Case Study + New Intuition Technique
Hi, my name is Elise Lebeau. I’m the Left Brain Intuitive, and your intuition is calling. Let’s see what it has to say.
Before we jump in, I would like to invite you to the first bootcamp of 2025.
It’s happening on January 19th, and it’s a seven-day intuition bootcamp to connect with what you really want for this year.
Every day, we’ll have a 10-minute video where I show you a technique to get an intuitive insight—a moment of clarity about what you want for 2025.
If you’d like to join me, visit my website at leftbrainintuitive.com to sign up.
Case Study: Hesitation
Today, we’re doing a case study. I’m going to give an intuitive reading to someone who submitted a question and show you how I approach an intuitive reading. I’ll describe the types of questions I ask my intuition and explain what’s happening during the process.
The individual we’re focusing on is struggling with hesitation—constantly going back and forth, re-deciding, and agonizing over decisions. This problem has worsened over time, turning even small decisions, like where to go for dinner, into a source of stress. Let’s see if we can help her.
The first thing I do is ask, “What does this person most need to hear?” This is a general question, but it allows me to focus on the energy of the situation rather than the logical explanation her mind has constructed.
There’s something very challenging about doing readings for yourself, which is why I often tell people that once they can use intuition effectively for themselves, helping others becomes much easier. It’s like trying to see a smudge on your own forehead—you need an outside perspective. My goal here is to bypass the logical narrative and go straight to the root cause.
The Root Cause of Hesitation
In this case, the root cause of hesitation evolved over time. It started as a small touch of perfectionism. Perhaps there were instances where mistakes were made and brushed off but still left a lasting impression. Over time, failures began to feel negative instead of opportunities for growth.
As a result, trying new things became problematic. Decisions were made only when she felt 100% sure—a standard that is almost impossible to meet. The bar has been raised so high that even intuition struggles to help. Intuition isn’t a tool for predicting the future; instead, it pulls information from the subconscious to guide us in the present.
The perfectionism stems from a triggering event—a significant mistake or experience that created emotional pain. Over time, hyper-vigilance about avoiding mistakes developed, creating a cycle of fear and guilt. This cycle causes hesitation, not because she doesn’t know what she wants, but because the fear of making the “wrong” decision is overwhelming.
Breaking the Cycle of Perfectionism with Intuition
The fear of making a mistake is natural—it has an evolutionary purpose. But trying to avoid mistakes entirely paralyzes decision-making. Instead of moving toward fulfilling goals, energy is wasted avoiding guilt or failure.
To break this cycle, we need to address two reasons for hesitation:
- Missing Information: Sometimes, hesitation occurs because your intuition senses a lack of information.
- Timing: Other times, hesitation happens because it’s simply not the right moment to make a decision.
Intuition Technique: The Black and White Method
This technique from my Intuition Masterclass is designed to help you identify whether hesitation stems from a timing issue. It’s especially effective when you’re stuck trying to decide on something prematurely.
Here’s how it works:
- Ask Yourself: Is it time to make this decision?
Answer immediately with yes or no. If it takes more than a second, that’s a sign of collision—when your logical mind interrupts your intuition. Intuition is quick and straightforward, pulling from subconscious information without overthinking. - Trust the Answer: If the answer is “no,” accept that it’s not time to decide yet. Set a future date to revisit the decision. For example, tell yourself, “I’ll think about this again in three days.”
- Redirect Your Focus: Between now and the revisit date, consciously stop yourself from rethinking the decision. When thoughts arise, remind yourself it’s not time to decide yet.
- Reclaim Your Energy: By eliminating unnecessary hesitation, you’ll free up energy to focus on more fulfilling activities or goals.
Timing is critical in intuition. Sometimes waiting allows hidden information to surface, increasing the probability of making the right decision when the time comes. Developing this sense of intuitive timing helps you trust yourself and recognize when it’s time to act.
Using this technique will help you reclaim energy spent agonizing over decisions. You’ll feel the difference between making decisions with 90% confidence versus 10% confidence. Over time, you’ll develop a “click” feeling, where you intuitively know when it’s time to decide—and when it’s not. This will allow you to move forward with clarity and confidence, freeing yourself from the paralysis of perfectionism.
I hope this was helpful. That’s all I’m getting for you today. I’ll talk to you soon.