[88] Feeling Uncomfortable Around Your Manager? Case Study + New Intuition Technique
Introduction to Intuition
Hi, my name is Elise Lebeau, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive, and your intuition is calling. Let’s see what it has to say.
Intuition Case Study: Struggling with Your Boss
So today we’re doing a case study. I’m going to provide an intuitive reading to a member of the audience. It’s an anonymous process, and you can submit your request at leftbrainintuitive.com/ask. It’s anonymous. I don’t need your name. I don’t need anything else from you. I just need to know where you feel stuck. That’s it. And you might get picked to be on the program.
Today I’m going to give the reading first, and then I’m going to give you one technique from my science-based intuition coaching program called Intuition on Demand, so that you can hear your intuition more clearly and have more clarity in your life.
Today’s reading is for someone who is struggling with her boss, her manager. This is a fairly new situation, so I feel like you have either changed bosses recently, you’re reporting to someone else, or your manager has changed. Maybe they’re under some kind of undue pressure.
Whenever you interact with them, I don’t know how else to describe it, but you feel kind of gross. To describe that in a more neutral term, I think you feel that there’s an incoherence between what they’re saying and what’s actually going on behind the scenes. Sometimes managers have to do that, right? They might know that they’re going to have to fire you, but they can’t tell you right now.
Intuition and Sensitivity to Energy
This can be super uncomfortable for sensitive people like us because we feel that something is wrong, but it’s hard to articulate in words because we’re picking it up at the energy level with our intuition. So intuition is not language-based. Intuition lives in the subconscious and uses a different way to store and retrieve information. It’s not words like our consciousness. Right now I’m talking, and in my consciousness, there are words, the words that I’m speaking. But intuition uses different things. It uses sensations in the body, emotions, or an image, like a clip, a video clip that pops in your head, a scene, or a sound.
So intuition talks to us in that language. When you walk into a meeting with your manager and you feel this incoherence, it’s difficult because it doesn’t make sense logically. I think this is the struggle you’ve been having, and that’s why you’ve been feeling stuck. When we can’t articulate things in words, it’s hard for our logical mind to embrace the situation, to understand the problem, and consequently, to find a solution.
Aligning with Your Intuition
There’s also another reason why you’ve been stuck here, and that is that this problem requires a solution that is not easy for the logical mind to come up with. This is not something you can talk yourself out of. I don’t feel that it’s the right thing for you to quit your job. It doesn’t feel like it’s the right thing for you to have just a conversation with your manager. A lot of times, this will fix the problem, but in this case, that’s not really what’s at play here.
The cool thing about intuition, and that’s why I love my job as a professional intuitive, is that we can skip all kinds of layers, all kinds of stories that we’ve made up in our mind as to why this is a problem. We can skip all of that and go to the root cause because that is stored in your energy. I call that the hard drive, which mostly consists of your body, which is a massive hard drive that stores a ton of information about you, including stuff like this.
When I’m looking at somebody doing an energy reading, I just ask upfront for the root cause. I don’t want to mess around with things that might or might not be relevant. I’m doing a deep dive all the way to the core of the issue. Usually, the core of the issue has a bigger meaning than the situation that you’re dealing with. So, somebody who’s having a problem with money, for example, there’s a bigger issue here.
Finding The Intuitive Root Cause
That’s what intuition does. If you’re having a money issue, it’s unlikely that your intuition is going to say you need a budget. That’s something your logical mind would say. So intuition is diving into a different pool of information, stuff that we don’t necessarily have easy access to.
Here, the bigger issue is that there is incoherence in that person. There’s no question about it. Something weird is going on, but it’s not that important what is going on. The problem is that we do live in a society where you are inevitably going to have to interact with people that feel kind of gross or incoherent, to use a more neutral term.
What’s at play here is for you to figure out a way to be comfortable with that. You don’t have to endure this. You don’t have to quit your job and put yourself in a situation of financial hardship. That’s not what’s being called for here. But you also don’t want to just talk yourself into being okay with this when you’re not okay. And this is where I feel you’re hanging out right now. This doesn’t feel okay with you, but you just have to go along with it. You feel obligated and stuck.
So let’s try something else. When we pay attention to something that is wrong, like this person’s incoherence, it occupies our mind, right? It occupies our consciousness. It’s our focus of attention. What’s happening is that in every meeting you have with this person, all you hear is the dissonance of their energy. It’s like a violin that’s out of tune in an orchestra, and that’s all you can hear. Your focus is entirely on the problem.
That’s tricky because it means that you’re not focusing on what’s important to you. You’re focusing on what’s wrong with them, which is a totally natural thing, right? It serves an evolutionary purpose for us to focus on the stuff that could be dangerous in our environment. That’s why you’re doing that. It totally makes sense. We’ve evolved enough that we don’t necessarily need to follow those instincts that are not that relevant here. This is not a predator here that’s gonna run you down and eat you. It’s your manager. But your body is responding to this interaction as if you are in dire danger.
It is true that maybe they will fire you or maybe they’re lying to you, but there’s nothing you can do about that right now. That’s not the relevant part. The relevant part is for you to be able to have this interaction while being entirely focused on what you want from the conversation. This is different. Already, just as I’m saying the words, your energy is already kind of perking up and paying attention. I love that. Even though you haven’t listened to the words yet.
Alignment is one of the four key components to having a clear intuitive insight. If you’re not aligned with what you want, you’re gonna get a lot of either irrelevant intuitive insight or struggle with what I call pollution, where you’re gonna get intuitive insight about other people, which is not that useful because you don’t have any power there. You can’t change your manager right now.
Pulling away from that place where you have no power is going to feel better already. Stepping into a place where you have power is going to feel better.
Alignment is crucial. Before we even ask a question to our intuition, we figure out what it is that we want so that our intuition can do its job. Intuition is a guidance system. It’s Google Maps. And in order to work, Google Maps needs to know where you want to go.
As you’re walking today into your manager’s office, maybe to talk about a problem, maybe to ask for a raise, maybe to just say hi, let the focus in your mind be aligned with who you are. Let’s say that you’re walking in to say hi, and then immediately, what’s happening, you are focused on the fact that there’s incoherence in their energy. It’s uncomfortable. It’s jarring.
Maybe your intention was to be friendly, however, now you’re all weirded out, and it feels hard to be friendly to this person, which is not like you. You’re a very easygoing, friendly person, and this has been confusing.
But what if before you say hi, you clarify your alignment, and it has to do with you? Nothing to do with them. It has to do with you. You want to feel good about the fact that you extended a friendly gesture. Notice that this is all about you. This is in alignment with the reason that made you want to go say hi to her or him. Before you walk into their office, no matter what it is that you’re going in there for, I would suggest you actually, in the beginning, just to get good at this, write it down somewhere on a post-it, and then you can throw it away, or on your computer, and then you can delete it.
You don’t need to keep track of this, but just to articulate your thoughts into your consciousness, what do you want from this interaction?
Sometimes we want to communicate something. Sometimes we want to ask for something, but it has to be about you entirely.
This is based on my bachelor’s degree in psychology. So there’s a really funny thing that happens when we have physical pain in our body. Let’s say that I’m getting poked by a nurse to take a blood sample. If I look at the site of the place where she’s going to poke me, and I pay attention to the fact that it’s going to hurt, and then she says, “Okay, I’m doing it,” and then she pokes me, my attention is consumed by this pain. Even though it’s not a big pain, all of a sudden it has become huge to me, and it’s all I can think about.
Studies have shown that if you distract the mind while
something painful is happening, because it has to pay attention to two things at once, the perceived pain level is lower. Isn’t that funny? Just because attention is divided.
So while I’m getting poked by the nurse, usually what I’ll do is, on my other hand, I will tap my finger on the chair. Just because this tapping motion is distracting my mind, I have to pay attention to that. The perceived pain of the poke is going to be less. Gotta love science.
When you walk into your manager’s office, and your mind is filled with your intention, aligned with what you want, the incoherence is going to feel less because it has less room in your consciousness. It’s not going to change her or him. It’s not going to solve the reason why they’re incoherent.
However, you’re going to be way more comfortable, and you’re also going to be way more likely to walk away with what you want if you do it this way.
You’re going to be immediately more comfortable because you’re not focusing as much on their incoherence. The discomfort is going to be much less. And you might walk away with a raise, another benefit of intuition.
All right, that’s all I’m getting for you today. I hope this was helpful, and I’ll talk to you soon.
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